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What Supplements Are Good For Dry Eye?

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What Supplements Are Good For Dry Eye?

A man in a cozy grey sweater rubbing both of his eyes due to eye dryness.

Dry eye syndrome is a common eye condition that can significantly affect one’s quality of life. From discomfort to potential vision disturbances, dry eye symptoms can disrupt normal daily activities and cause prolonged irritation.

While your eye doctor might prescribe medications or lifestyle adjustments, the following are some supplements that can help manage dry eye symptoms:

Vitamin A
Vitamin D
Vitamin B12

What Is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye disease, or dry eye syndrome, occurs when the eyes produce insufficient or poor-quality tears, which cannot help maintain a healthy layer of tears. Natural tears consist of water, oil, and mucus.

These tear film components help protect the eye against foreign materials, lubricate the eye, prevent tear evaporation, and provide an even eye surface layer. However, an imbalance in the tear film can cause the eyes to feel dry and the tears to evaporate more quickly.

Symptoms of dry eye can include:

Eye redness
A stinging or burning sensation
Grittiness or scratchiness
A feeling of something foreign in the eye
Excessive tearing

Dry eye can result from a variety of factors, including:

Hormonal changes
Meibomian gland dysfunction
Environmental conditions
Lifestyle factors, such as extended screen time
Health conditions
Family history

Your eye doctor can diagnose dry eyes by performing a special eye exam, discussing your symptoms and lifestyle, and evaluating the quality, quantity, and distribution of tears. Once they have determined the underlying cause, they may recommend treatment methods for dry eye relief.

Dry eye therapy and treatment can include:

Meibomian gland expression
Lid hygiene
Artificial tears
Eye drops
Eye masks
Intense pulsed light
Low-level light therapy

Nutritional Supplements for Dry Eye

Supplements and vitamins can help manage dry eye symptoms. Supplements can be obtained from your diet, however too many supplements can cause negative side effects. For this reason, consult your eye doctor before taking supplements.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A plays a critical role in maintaining healthy eyes by helping to support tear formation. Vitamin A deficiency can lead to dry eyes. One study showed that vitamin A improved the quality of tears in patients with dry eyes. Speak to your eye doctor about dosage for your vision needs.

Vitamin D

An assortment of food that is rich in VItamin D.

Known as the “sunshine vitamin,” vitamin D can be obtained from the sun and some foods. Since getting the right amount of sunlight is not always possible, it could be beneficial to take a vitamin D supplement.

Vitamin D deficiency can cause dry eye syndrome. Vitamin D supplements may reduce inflammation on the eye’s surface and improve tear quality and dry eye symptoms.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause dry eye and eye pain. Vitamin B12 supplements can improve dry eye symptoms by reducing the burning sensation associated with dry eyes. Speak to your eye doctor about the right dosage of vitamin B12 supplements.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids are well-known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Omega-3 supplements in specific dosages can relieve eye redness, inflammation, irritation, and pain caused by dry eye.

Best Practices & Dosage Guidelines

You should take supplements under the careful guidance of your eye doctor. The recommended dosages of the above supplements may vary depending on individual factors such as age, gender, and individual eye health concerns.

Visit your eye doctor immediately if you experience the following symptoms:

Sudden changes in vision
Eye pain that worsens
Severe eye redness
Eye irritation that worsens or persists

Additional Tips to Manage Dry Eyes

While dry eyes can become chronic, you can manage and alleviate symptoms. In addition to supplements, you can adopt certain lifestyle modifications.


Simple yet profound, maintaining proper hydration can do wonders for your eyes. Drink plenty of water or add foods with high water content to your diet to support tear production.

Eye Care Practices

Certain eye care practices can ease dry eye discomfort. Blink regularly, especially when using digital devices, and follow the 20-20-20 rule—every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds.

Environmental Adjustments

Small changes in your environment can make a significant difference. Use a humidifier, especially in dry climates, heated and air-conditioned indoor spaces, and consider protective eyewear when exposed to wind or harsh conditions.

Vision Supplements for Dry Eye Relief

When it comes to dry eye, several strategies can help with symptom relief, such as in-office and at-home treatments, supplementation, and lifestyle changes. Knowing the available options and working closely with your eye doctor can help create a tailored approach to managing your dry eye symptoms.

Beyond traditional medications, supplements for dry eyes could be a natural and effective complement to your dry eye management plan. As always, seek your eye doctor’s advice before changing your eye health routine.

Book an appointment with Dr. Varshney at MEye Health for prescription, non-prescription, and the best supplements to managing dry eye and maintaining comfortable and clear vision.

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