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How Does Neurolens® Work?

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When you sit at your desk for too long and start to notice blurry vision, eye strain, and overall discomfort, you’re probably dealing with eye misalignment. This is a common—but often overlooked—eye problem. Fortunately, there’s an easy answer: Neurolens®.

Neurolens® is a special type of eyewear that incorporates a unique prism design into each lens. This adjusts light as it enters the eye to accommodate your natural misalignment, making it significantly easier to spend time working on computers and other screens.

Eye Misalignment: What Causes This?

Your eyes are a complicated organ. Because they’re spaced slightly apart, they need to coordinate and work together in harmony to create a clear image of the world around you. To do this, they’re controlled by the brain and several tiny muscles—this lets them aim simultaneously to give you proper vision.

However, just like other body parts, the human eye can also occasionally develop problems. When you overwork them or spend too long at a desk—or even if it’s just how your eyes are naturally—your eyes can slightly drift. They don’t coordinate properly, or they may simply be tired. This is eye misalignment, a common problem.

Recognizing Eye Misalignment

When your eyes fail to align correctly, it can quickly lead to visual discomfort and other symptoms. This is why it’s essential to learn to recognize the signs of eye misalignment; it lets you step in to prevent the problem from worsening.

The common signs of eye misalignment include:

  • Frequent headaches or migraines
  • Blurred or double vision
  • Eye strain or fatigue, especially after prolonged use
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Difficulty concentrating on tasks

If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s time to take action. Fortunately, there’s an easy answer: Neurolens®.

What is Neurolens®?

Imagine a type of eyewear designed specifically to counteract the effects of eye misalignment. It doesn’t just give you clear vision—it addresses the underlying cause of your symptoms to prevent the initial discomfort of misalignment. This exists—it’s Neurolens®.

Unlike traditional glasses, Neurolenses incorporate a unique prism design into every lens. This slightly offsets the image your eyes receive, accommodating the natural misalignment to give you clear vision. The glasses are custom-made for every patient, making them a solution tailored to meet your unique needs. These come in both prescription and non-prescription forms, making them easily accessible for all!

How Neurolens® Helps

Neurolens® stands out due to its customized prism design. These lenses are tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that each eye works in harmony with the other.

Through their customized prism design, each pair of Neurolens® glasses is crafted based on the precise measurements of your eye misalignment. This means that your glasses will be carefully tailored to correct your specific eye misalignment.

By addressing the root cause of your symptoms, Neurolens® can be a quick way to find easy relief from your misalignment. It can reduce:

  • Headaches
  • Eye strain
  • Neck pain
  • Overall discomfort

It’s a carefully crafted tool designed to give your eyes the chance to relax. They don’t have to work as hard to build a clear image, so the muscles won’t tire themselves out.

Is Neurolens® Worth It?

Neurolens® offers a comprehensive solution for those suffering from eye misalignment. Here are a few reasons to consider Neurolens®:

  • Personalized Solution: Unlike one-size-fits-all glasses, Neurolens® provides a personalized solution tailored to your unique needs and an effective way to correct your eye misalignment.
  • Improved Quality of Life: By addressing the actual cause of your symptoms rather than just bringing temporary relief, Neurolens® offers a simple way to improve your quality of life.
  • Long-Term Benefits: Neurolens® isn’t just a pair of eyeglasses. It’s an investment in your long-term comfort and clarity.

Plus, it’s an easy process to get your hands on a pair of Neurolens®. You can visit MEye Health for a Neurolens® assessment! They’ll take careful measurements of your eyes to determine the exact degree of your misalignment to make your customized glasses. You’ll return to have your final fitting—and that’s the whole process.

Try Neurolens® for Yourself!

If you’re struggling with eye misalignment and discomfort, don’t wait to seek help. Neurolens® offers a practical, effective solution that can transform your vision and improve your daily life. Schedule an appointment with our team at MEye Health today to see how Neurolens® can make a difference for you.

Written by
Dr. Kalpna Varshney

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Dr. Kalpna Varshney

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