Dr. Kalpna Varshney
in Burlington

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Dr. Varshney has been practicing in Burlington since 1995.

She completed her undergraduate degree in biology and psychology from McMaster University before continuing on to the New England College of Optometry in Boston. She graduated with honours from the optometry program in 1995.

During her graduate studies, she participated in a variety of high-calibre internships. These included the Joslin Diabetes Centre in Boston and the Barnet-Dulaney Refractive, Cataract, and Glaucoma Specialty Clinic in Phoenix. In 2009, she moved to her current location, leaving the practice with her sister, Dr. Malini Varshney, to begin her own clinic.

She is extremely committed to continuing her education by remaining well-informed of developments in optometric practice and research. Her area of passion is nutrition and cognitive health from children to seniors and the link to vision and prevention of eye disease. This dedication is reflected in the care she provides her patients and the fulfillment she gains from working with them.

Dr. Varshney is an active member of the Ontario and Canadian Association of Optometrists, as well as Eye Recommend. In May 2010, she was presented with a Certificate of Appreciation by the Ontario Association of Optometrists for her dedicated service in advocacy for eye health.

Dr. Varshney is happily married and has 2 Tibetan Terriers named Pajas and Leia. She loves spending time with her pups and returns the joy they bring her by organizing a yearly Christmas funding/supply drive for the Burlington Humane Society.

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Conveniently located west of Walker’s Line on the north side of Harvester near Tim Horton’s.

Our Address

  • 3455 Harvester Rd., Unit 28
  • Burlington, ON L7N 3P2

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Hours of Operation

10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 5:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 5:00 PM
10:00 AM 5:00 PM
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