in Burlington

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Managing the Connection Between Your Eyes & Brain

Your eyes and brain share a unique and important connection. However, if there is an issue between the two, you can experience symptoms like eye strain, dry eye, light sensitivity, and more.

Neurolenses could help manage these concerns and support the relationship between your eyes and brain. If you’re wondering if Neurolens can help address the eye and vision concerns you’re experiencing, please get in touch with our eye doctor today.

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What Are Neurolenses?

Neurolenses are specialty lenses that help address a type of eye misalignment called trigeminal dysphoria. Trigeminal dysphoria can occur when your eyes aren’t exactly aligned, putting strain on your trigeminal nerve and causing symptoms like:

  • Dry eye
  • Digital eye strain
  • Light sensitivity
  • Neck and shoulder pain

With the help of the prism technology used in Neurolenses, we can help align your eyes and address these concerns.

Are Neurolenses Right for You?

Before we can recommend Neurolenses, we’ll have you come in for a comprehensive eye exam where we’ll determine how severe your symptoms are and measure your eye alignment using a Neurolens Measurement Device.

After we determine the cause of your discomfort, we’ll prescribe you Neurolenses and monitor your treatment to ensure it’s addressing your concerns.

How the Neurolens Measurement Device Works

The Neurolens Measurement Device (NMD) uses eye-tracking technology to assess the way your eyes move and focus. The device works by shining a light into your eye and monitoring the reflection of that light as it moves across your retina. 

The second-generation NMD, known as NMD2, is much smaller than its predecessor, and the diagnostic test on the NMD2 is 35% faster than before, which can help optimize pre-test efficiency.

The Neurolens Measurement Device is a specialized diagnostic device, and the measurements provided by the NMD can only be used for glasses that are dispensed and warrantied with the measuring device.

Get Started with Neurolens Today

There’s more to your eye comfort than you might think.

Get help managing the relationship between your eyes and brain today and schedule an appointment.

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Visit Our Location

Conveniently located west of Walker’s Line on the north side of Harvester near Tim Horton’s.

Our Address

  • 3455 Harvester Rd., Unit 28
  • Burlington, ON L7N 3P2

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 5:00 PM
10:00 AM 7:00 PM
10:00 AM 5:00 PM
10:00 AM 5:00 PM
By Appointment Only

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